Seasonal & Themes

12 products

50 Floating Gold Stars-Large Sizes-Sparkling-Fills 1 Gallon of Transparent Floating Gels for Your Vases - With Gels Measured Prep Bags - Option of 6 Submersible Fairy Lights Strings
1 GL Floating Glitter Silver Pearls - Including Water Gels & Kit for the Floating Effect - Option of Submersible Fairy Lights - Centerpiece Decorations
30 White Floating Stars-Sparkling-3D-White Pearls-Fills 1 Gallon of the Transparent Gels for The Floating Effect-Exclusive Measured Floating Kit-White Submersible Fairy Lights
Floating Red Stars-Sparkling Large Sizes-Fills 1 Gallon for Your Vases-With Option of 3 Submersible Fairy Lights
50 Floating Realistic Fall Leaves, Mums, Pumpkin Gems-Pearls-Fills 1 Gallon of The Transparent Floating Gels-Options of 3 Submersible Fairy Lights Strings
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*Clearance* Spooky Skulls - Halloween Vase Decor and Table Scatter

*Clearance* Spooky Skulls - Halloween Vase Decor and Table Scatter

$ 9.99
$ 9.99
$ 13.99
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40 Floating Easter Eggs-Iridescent beads-Pearls-Jumbo Sizes-Fills 1 Gallon for Your Vases With Transparent Gels Floating Measured Kit-Vase Decorations
50 White Floating Snowflakes & Pearls - Fills 4 Medium Size Vases (not included) - With Option of 3 Submersible Fairy Lights Strings
50 Blue Floating Stars-Sparkling Large Size-Fills 1 Gallon for Your Vases-Including Transparent Floating Gels Kit-Option: 3 Submersible Fairy Lights
100 Floating White Seashells-White Coral Reef-Pearls-Aqua Sea Color Gels-Fills 4 Med Size Vases-With Exclusive Measured Floating Gels Prep Bag-Option of 3 Submersible Fairy Lights Strings
40 Floating Large Crystal Blue Stars & Pearls-Fills 1 Gallon of Floating Gels for the Floating Effect-With Exclusive Measured Floating Gels Prep Bag-Option of 3 Submersible Fairy Lights Strings
75 Floating Halloween Spiders, Orange/Black Color Effects Gems - Fills 1 Gallon - Options: 3 Submersible Orange Fairy Lights, and 6 Eyeballs